
Low level of application of information technology

Education informatization is the trend of the times, and teachers are the key factors to achieve this transformation. At the same time, the level of teacher information literacy plays a key role in cultivating students' information literacy. Therefore, it is very important to improve teachers' information literacy. This article introduces what teachers' information literacy is and the status of secondary school teachers' information literacy, and then puts forward some strategies for improving teachers' information literacy.

Keywords Informatization, Information Literacy, Promotion

With the advent of the information age, information technology has widely penetrated into all areas of society and has exerted a profound influence on people's learning, work and life. In the field of education, education informatization, which is characterized by the widespread application of information technology, has become an inevitable trend in the development of education. The success of education informatization, teachers is a key influencing factor. In order to advance the process of education informatization, it is necessary to change teachers’ information awareness and constantly improve teachers’ information technology capabilities and information knowledge. Therefore, the overall improvement of teachers’ information literacy is an important part of education informatization.

I. What is Teacher Information Literacy?

According to the generalization and definition of information literacy by domestic and foreign experts, we can define teachers’ information literacy as: 1) having a strong sense of information; having a basic and correct understanding of information, information society, and education informationization; Actively invest in education informatization. 2) Stronger sensitivity to information, recognizing the importance of access to information resources for education and research work; for solving problems such as learning or education and teaching work, being able to confirm their information needs, and being able to flexibly pass through multiple channels Get valid information quickly. 3) Can accurately and efficiently interpret information and critically evaluate information; can apply information to critical thinking. 4) It can effectively absorb, store, and quickly extract and send information; it can better manage its own collected or generated information. 5) Effectively integrate related information, creatively use information to solve problems, and use the best possible way to express, present (and store) new information generated by yourself. 6) The above set of information technologies can be better applied to their continued learning and communication. 7) Strong sense of information ethics and information security.

Second, the status of secondary school teachers' information literacy

(I) Absence of strong information awareness and low information usage rate In the education informatization process, various schools generally established a campus network, but the utilization of resources on the campus network is generally low, and the campus network has not played its due role. The role of the teacher education and teaching basically has no role in promoting. For example, most schools’ websites are basically used to publish notices, and there aren’t many other teaching-related content or resources. At the same time, teachers' utilization of resources on the Internet is not very high. When they encounter problems, they go to the Internet to find the resources they need.

(II) Poor information retrieval ability

Lack of basic knowledge of electronic documents, online documents, and databases, I don't know how to efficiently search for the information I need. Little is known about search methods and search techniques, such as the "space bar" and "double quotes". Many people don't understand it, so they can't find the information they need, or it takes a long time to find what they need. information.
 Weak information processing capacity

Although some teachers found some materials they needed, they could not process so many materials to get the information they needed. There are thousands of thousands of information on the Internet. Before processing the information, we should have a draft in our minds. We should grasp the key points in the multitude and variety, and filter and process ourselves according to the ideas in our minds. Information.

(4) Low level of application of information technology

Many teachers do not have the habit of applying modern information technology to everyday teaching activities, or because some teachers are not very familiar with information technology equipment and are too lazy to learn, they are rarely used in ordinary classes, or some are just open classes or It was used in the course of observation, and thus lacked practical experience in information technology; in addition, many teachers lacked interest in new technologies, which also restricted the application of information technology. Therefore, it is especially important to improve teachers’ information literacy.

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(I) Let teachers' educational concepts keep pace with the times In the information age of education, teachers must be competent in modern education and teaching work, we must strengthen the concept of information. There is a characteristic of the teacher's career. When he has just entered the teaching field, it takes a period of time to accumulate teaching experience, and the experience is very useful for teachers. However, when teachers have accumulated a certain amount of experience, experience can sometimes become an obstacle to the progress and innovation of certain teachers.


Heads urged to support

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Heads urged to support LGBT staff Image copyright Burnwood Community School Image caption Grahame Colclough: "Nothing was whispered, rushed, or secretive
  When senior teacher Grahame Colclough and his long-term partner Jon decided to get married, his head teacher made the announcement in a school assembly.
  She presented gifts to the couple who had "been together for years".
  "Nothing was whispered, rushed or secretive," Grahame remembers.
  Now, guidance from the heads' union NAHT urges all schools to be similarly supportive of lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans staff who want to reveal their sexual identities in classrooms.
  Billed as the first of its kind in the UK and endorsed by the campaign group Stonewall, the guidance covers key issues faced by LGBT staff - such as harassment, discrimination, bullying and lack of visibility.
  It also lays out the role and responsibilities of school leaders in creating workplaces where "staff can feel safe and be open with colleagues and with pupils".
  Bullying and discrimination
  The NAHT says 2014 research from Manchester Business School found that individuals from sexual minority groups were more than twice as likely as heterosexuals to be bullied or discriminated against in the workplace, with knock-on effects on their physical and mental health.
  It also notes that a 2016 review for the government's Equalities Office found very high levels of workplace bullying and harassment against trans people RA: does biologic treatment compromise Pneumonia vaccine efficacyeffectiveness?.
  The guidance advises heads to take personal responsibility for promoting inclusion and tackling bullying based on sexual orientation.
  It includes:
  zero tolerance of homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying and banter supporting staff to teach about LGBT issues modifying dress codes to avoid gender stereotypes sex and relationship education to include LGBT experiences not allowing complaints or fear of complaints to hamper moves towards an inclusive school environment

  "We haven't made as much progress as we should on LGBT-plus rights in schools.
  "We need to change that," said NAHT general secretary Paul Whiteman.
  "Schools decide the kind of society that we have, they transform children into citizens of the world and if we aren't getting the treatment of LGBT-plus pupils and teachers right in schools then we won't be getting it right in society.
  "It shouldn't take bravery to be yourself or to stand up for your colleagues' rights, but it does sometimes.
  "This can have a serious impact on the mental health, happiness and motivation of school staff as well as pupils."
  The union's equalities group chairwoman, Sally Bates, said that while some LGBT-plus staff chose not to be open about their sexual orientation, too many others kept quiet for fear of discrimination, bullying or harassment.
  Image copyright Getty Images
  Nick Ward, director of Teach First, said he wanted a world where teachers are "not just permitted but supported and encouraged to discuss their sexual and gender identity in order to provide what all teachers aim to provide, a role model for their students".
  Troy Jenkinson, a Leicestershire primary head teacher who is open about his sexuality, said: "It is crucial for us to get it right now in our schools so we can prepare our students for accepting diversity as they become the next generation of adults.
  "In the words of one of my Year 6 pupils, 'Love is love.'"
  The NAHT wants all schools to behave like Grahame Colclough's where he says the wedding announcement was "perfectly normal and exactly how it happens for all of the staff in our school who are getting married".
  The guidance will be published next week on the NAHT website Collaboration with Asia's Top Universities - PolyU fosters long-term partnership in academic and research collaboration with top universities in Asia. Most of them are the top 10 Chinese universities and top ten universities in asia..















  在物質和玄幻中都隔閡著一層透明的什麼,也然是玻璃或許是水罷了,但都不敢位元堂 洗頭水輕易的觸碰,都不希望這一切破滅,也不敢去相信這一切的隔閡,但究竟是什麼引起這之間的憂慮呢!都茫然不知曉,然而使這一切變的陌生,變的可怕,變的不敢接近。
  煙雲透過一層淡微的雨水,很多人都會幻想成美麗的彩虹,但這一切的事實都來至於虛幻,可誰又敢去想這一切的真實,然而都活在虛幻的世界裏,為何要如此比喻,想來我便是透露出什麼吧,但也不是,因為這人的心理都產生很大的欲望,因為這樣的欲望會使人變的頹廢,甚至會變的墮落,就拿現在的生活來說,有很多這樣的人,在以前過著比較悲憫的生活,會有很人幫助它,慢慢的它好了,然而開始把幫它的人作為利誘,作為傷害,任意的作踐,但它又會去想著當初的模樣嗎?然而在它身邊的朋友都會慢慢的遠離它,慢慢的變的陌生,這是它達位元堂 洗頭水到一定的欲望後,這才使它如此這般,可想而知,當你已經成為這樣的人以後,你自己還開心嗎?這裏使用到“它”,那是因為我不明確是男或是女,但我可以肯定是動物或是不存在或是死的一般的物體罷了。
  在心理的鬥爭,在心理的撕扯,在生活的矛盾,在痛苦的掙扎,或許都被什麼給蒙蔽了,因為這一切的冷眼,這一切的世態都是這樣的,或許改變不了,淡然不想去改變,也只能倚樓聽風雨,冷眼看世人,把心調整到最靜,把眼睛放到最遠,靜下心來觀察這一切的世態,或許你會有所感觸,才領悟到這一生,活著的意義,很多人並不是仙,但能看到未來,能到看別人的坎坷和痛苦,那是因為它領悟了,它看到這一切的世態,它的心理超越了現在,所以改變了自己,不是那麼的痛苦和折磨,卻能指點別人渡過坎坷,這樣的境界都需要自己去領悟,文字只能作為引導,作為心理的靈藥,但這一切的位元堂 洗頭水現實都會阻擋自己,但有著這樣一顆向善的心就可以超越很多人了。



























現在的家庭,很多的男女朋友都在尋找著自己所謂幸福生活,抱怨自己身邊鑽石能量水 消委會的不能給予幸福,始終想著一個不切實際的夢想,甚至有的終身都在尋找幸福,其實幸福就在身邊。



所以不要去追問到底誰才是我的mr.right,而是要問說在眼前的伴侶關係中,我能努力鑽石能量水 騙局到什麼程度、成長到什麼程度,若沒有培養出經營幸福的能力,就算真的mr.right出現在你身邊,而活在猶疑與遺憾當中,這不就是許多“愛情虛無症”的遭遇與心態嗎?




所以蕭伯納的話,是要提醒情人不要太鑽牛角尖於尋覓那唯一,應該把精神用在學會經鑽石能量水 消委會營幸福的能力上,同時也提醒我們“溺水三千只取一瓢飲”若有幸遇到了難得的伴侶,就不要再三心二意了,因為我們永遠不知道一生何時會遇到兩萬個其中的幾個,所以要知福惜福、活在當下。







